Thursday, 27 October 2011


Please, meet my new mini-bear Loren! ^__^

She is 9,5 cm tall and was sewn from smokey long pile. Her tails are from the softest mohair.
She has black glass eyes, her dress can be removed.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Hi again ^__^

Please, meet Bonnie! She is 23 cm tall and was sewn from two kind of Shulte mohair and cotton for her hat.
Bonnie is a bear in a rabbit-costume ^__^ It cannot be removed, besides her hat :-)
She has black glass eyes with eyelashes.

Friday, 23 September 2011


Please, meet my new bear Lulu :-)
She is 17,5 cm tall, was sewn from Shulte silk mohair. She is fully double-jointed, has black german eyes with eyelashes and beautyfull lace dress :-)
Found a new home

Monday, 29 August 2011


Please, meet Dariush!
He is 18 cm (7 inch) OOAK artist teddy kitten.
I made him from hand painted Shulte silk mohair. I used cotton fabric for his ears, paws and costume and the silk ribbons for the decoration. He is fully 5-way double-jointed, has hand painted gold German glass eyes.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Please, meet Serseya!
She is 25 cm (9,8 inch) OOAK artist teddy bear. She is a little child, which has a cat-costume.
I made her from Shulte viscose and felt for her ears and paws. I used mohair and cotton fabric for her dress with the hood, it is decorated with silk ribbons, lace and natural pearls. She is fully 5-way jointed, has double-jointed neck and handpainted glass eyes with eyelashes, her tail can band.
The dress cannot be removed, but the hood with cat ears can be put down.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Destiny is 24 cm (9,4 inch) OOAK artist teddy bear. She wears a siam-cat mask :-)
I made her from Shulte mohair. Her mask was made special for Destiny, it is decorated with 2 kind of ribbons and Swarovsky cryslalls like her beautyfull bow. She is fully 5-way jointed, has double-jointed neck and handpainted glass eyes.
The mask kann be removed.
Destiny found a new home, thank you! :-)

Thursday, 14 July 2011


I just wanted to remind, that today opens the "Bear on Parade" show!

The SHOW begins today, on July 15th at 4pm New York time and ends July 17th at 4pm New York time here. You can see the open time for your country here.
In the show'll take part 6 of my teddys and each of them can be adopted!

You are welcome!

Monday, 11 July 2011


Hello! Please, meet my new elly Milicenta! She is 23 cm tall, was made from Schulte viscose, hat hand painted glass eyes with eyelashes.
She is looking for a new home!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

URSA Awards

Hello, dear friends! I'm glad to tell you, that we take part in URSA Awards this year :-) So, I'll be very hapy, if you'll find time to vote for us!

The first category is Animal Kingdom. My first candidate is the little elephant Milicenta

If you'd like to vote for her, just click here, mark 14.10 Milicent - Anna Tide - Tide Bears and push "vote" :-)

The second category is Furry Pals with one of my favourite bunny Laly

f you'd like to vote for her, just click here, mark 15.7 Layl - Anna Tide - Tide Bears, and push "vote" :-)

Thank you and have a great day! :-)

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Cat-prade by Anna Tide

Hello, my dear friend!

I'm very happy to let you know, that my bears and me take part at Teddiesworldwide online-show!
The theme is "Bear on parade", and my special them is "Cat-parade" because of my great cat-love :-)

The Online Show coming July 15th! "Bears on Parade" will feature 75 artists from 12 countries
offering bears of all styles, sizes and colors to fit all budgets!

Preview starts July 1, 2011 at 4pm new York time.

My first bear for the show is Serseya. You'll see her at 1. July, but I'd like to show you some piece of her, just to make you sure: it will be great!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011


Today I have a great news! I've made my first dog and this is a dachshund! I'm so happy, this is my favorite breed of dogs :-)
Please meet Dina! She is about 22 cm tall if she is standing (with my assistance) at her hind legs :-)
She was sewn from german silk mohair, has black glass eyes.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Hello, my dear friend! Welcome to my new blog ^__^

I've open this blog several weeks ago, but didn't posted here anything :-( I have a blog at Livejournal (at russian), but I'd love to have a blog about my teddys at English too ^__^
I wanted to start with something new and now I'd like to show you my bunny Mikki. I love him so much!
He is 16 cm tall, was sewn from handpainted german bio-cotton mohair.
And he is looking for a new home!  Found a new home, tahnk you! ^__^